For day pictures it was somehow too dark. I should had waken up an hour earlier.

Aber die Lichtverhältnisse ändern sich von Sekunde zu Sekunde.

But guess I would gone earlier I would missed the arrival of CROWN PRINCESS.

Sie setzt rückwärts in das Hafenbecken am Ocean Terminal zurück.

Der Blick an der Wand.

Godfrey showed me his "treasures".

Da dürfte das Herz jeden Schiffsliebhaber höher schlagen.

Frisches Obst ist immer im Angebot.

I could get green tea as well but we are in England.

Wo ist jeweils die 1/2 Scheibe Toast hin???

Pure English breakfast!!!

Ich habe auf die Bohnen in Tomatensauce verzichtet.

We love to be guests with Shirley and Godfrey. For 2011 we have so far no plannings for cruises out of Southampton. We hope that they will not forget us until then. As currently their website is not working: who like to contact them: I will let you have their e-mail-address on request.

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